Monday, April 4, 2016

Wipe and Reinstall OS X Lion on 2nd hand macbook pro early 2011 using bootable USB stick made with transmac in Windows 7

I'm writing this as I see how OS X Lion is installing from zero after a long time of trying and looking for tutorials

I've an early 2011 15" Macbook pro I bought from a friend last year and when she sold it to me she installed Mountan Lion from scratch, but when she did it, it was with her Apple ID so I barely had any permissions to do anything with it. It was messed up and her bf twitched it with a linux bootloader which ended up in a mess with lots of partitions. 

So I wiped the hard drive where Mountain Lion was installed and when I tried the Internet recovery it wouldn't reinstall since that OS was attached to my friend's apple ID. So it wouldn't reinstall. it gave me these errors

"This item is temporarily unavailable"

So long story short, this is what I did.

Downloaded OS X Lion from here

Then opened it with 7zip (, found the "installESD.dmg file inside the OS X .dmg file I downloaded, then extracted it to a folder of my desire.

Plugged 8GB USB Stick

Installed and opened Transmac in Administrator mode *Important

Right click on usb stick and select "Format Disk for Mac" 

Once finished formatting, right click again on usb stick and select "Restore with disk image" and choose the "installESD.dmg" file which you uncompressed from the downloaded OS X Lion.

Eject USB Stick and plugged it on my mac

Started the mac then held down Option key until the bootloader appeared, where I selected the USB stick 

then went to disk utility>partition>  at the top left corner, choose the physical partition, then no matter what you see, under the partition tab menu choose "1 partition" (this is to delete all partitions, I suppose you  backed them up right) and therefore delete the recovery version that was in a hidden partition and wasn't working for you.

then run the install as usual, need apple ID but it works this time 

All's well now :)

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